Week 4

Thursday, August 27, 2009 | |

Today's lecture was about filming. At first I didn't quite understand what was going on; it was as if a had skipped a page in a book and suddenly it was on a completely different topic. The lecture jumped straight into the topic of camera angles and small rules of filming an angle.

For the first half of the lecture, I looked like this fellow below

I did not have a microphone with me however

But soon it all started to make sense. The lecture material was begining to absorb into my thick skull. There is a good reason why these rules are important: the story told in the film needs to address the audience in the best way possible.

I found the 180 rule pretty interesting. I think it was a good example of the lecture title, "Cine-speak". Its funny to know that something as simple as that could catch the viewers attention tot the narrative at hand.

The clips played at the toward the end of the lecture were also a good example of langguage in cinema, though I found a video that was even better than the 'Awesometown' clip:

Some might find the clip dumb but I thought it was interesting how I could understand the entire clip just by the facial expressions of the characters.

All in all, I found this week's lecture very useful


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